Pretty flower shaped habit tracker with 31 petals to color

Habit tracker can be more addicting than you think. Once you get started, it’s so much fun that you find a reason to track just about anything. Just a heads up. lol

I wanted a monthly tracker to color in and decided to design one. It turned out as a flower, with one petal to color for each day.

Free printable habit tracker with banner for your planner och bullet journal | Pretty flower shaped habit tracker with 31 petals to color in, one for each day. With numbers or without | #habittracker #planner #bulletjournal #filofax #freeplanner #printables

It comes in two versions; one with numbers and one without. Add your subject (or month) in the banner and start tracking.

Free printable habit tracker with banner for your planner och bullet journal | Pretty flower shaped habit tracker with 31 petals to color in, one for each day. With numbers or without | #habittracker #planner #bulletjournal #filofax #freeplanner #printables