Happy Easter- printable banner for your spring decor

Spring had finally arrived! We have 13 °C today and the sun is shining from a clear blue sky. Such a perfect fit for the first week of daylight savings time.

Easter is so late this year and Easter Saturday is actually on my birthday this year. We’re having my sister and her family over and just having a nice day together. Though probably not a very caml and relaxing day with my son and their boys getting togehter. 😉 I’m really looking forward to it though!

Happy Easter - printable banner for your holiday decor.


Printable Floral birthday – cards, tags & gift box

When spring draws closer I feel like using flowers. Any sign of new life sprouting up makes me smile and walk with a little lighter steps. I feel hope that warmers days are just around the corner.

In our family we have a lot of birthdays during spring. From February to April there’s one birthday party after another. I’m not complaining, any excuse to see family is a good one.

Printable Floral birthday cards, tags and gift box. FREE download! Printable Floral birthday cards, tags and gift box. FREE download! Printable Floral birthday cards, tags and gift box. FREE download!


Rainbow cards and tags – printables to celebrate just about everything

The weekend is upon us once again. Not that I’m complaining about the work week going by quickly. Even though I love my job, I do love days off just a little bit more. 😉

We have plenty planned for the weekend. Celebrating my sister’s and nephew’s birthdays being the biggest event. Getting together with family is truly great and we’re lucky enough to have most family members pretty close by. Just a half hour drive or so away.

Printable rainbow cards and tags - Hello, Thanks, Hello Friend, Love. Give a colorful card for a birthday or any occation really. Attach a tag to spruce up a simple gift. Very colorful and vibrant and HAPPY :) Printable rainbow cards and tags - Hello, Thanks, Hello Friend, Love. Give a colorful card for a birthday or any occation really. Attach a tag to spruce up a simple gift. Very colorful and vibrant and HAPPY :)

I wanted to make some matching cards and tags for their gifts. Something appropriate for both kids and adults. The rainbow theme definitely fit the bill. There’s something about rainbows. even now as an adult, knowing the science behind rainbows, they still FEEL magical. An everyday type of natures wonder and a bit of happines on a rainy day.


Surprise your kids with printable post-it notes in their lunch boxes + birthdays post-its

So, our week long winter break is over and things are back to normal around here. Which is nice too. I love my job and on Mondays I’m always full of enegy and ready to get the work week started. Later in the week both my student s and I tend to leak energy and slow down a bit. But each Monday, we’re back in full speed ahead again.

As in many jobs, we use a lot of post-its at work. Personally, I’m particularly fond of the brightly colored ones. The hot pink and orange ones are my favorites. 🙂 They pale yellow ones, not so much.

Free printable post-it notes with printing guide - birthday notes + lunch box notes for kids - sticky notes
